It's been a while... What do you want me to write about?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day

Hello fellow friends!!! Turkey day is here!!! Yes!!! THANKSGIVING!!!! Is everybody ready to stuff themselves silly with delicious goodness? I can tell you that I am!!! OK, now all of you are probably wondering why I am sending this the day AFTER Thanksgiving. I am clearly aware of that. But our Thanksgiving dinner came today!!! I want to thank the girl scout troop and Kayleigh (I hope I spelled your name right!!!) and the schools and everybody!!!! That's what I am thankful for on this fun day!!! Thank you!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thank You!!!

Hey again readers!!! Just tonight I was able to go back on my blog and I had 37 NEW MESSAGES!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!! ALL OF YOU BROUGHT ME TO TEARS!!!!! Thank you!!!! I had no idea how many people read this!!!! It was totally a blessing from God!!!! I was so in awe reading each and every one of your messages!!! I felt like I was the only person in the world going through this!!!! You all proved me dead wrong!!! I can't believe all the teachers, students, friends, even people that I don't even know read this!!! WOW!!!! I can't believe what a blessing this is!! One email!!!!! That was all I sent!!! THIS is how amazing and wonderful God is!!! If you store up your most prized possessions up in heaven God will bless you!!! No lie!!! He can make the impossible happen!!!! A friend from my class in 2ND GRADE remembers me!!!!! No offense to the person but I find that amazing!!!!! God is amazing and caring!!! He understands what I am going through!!! He has a spot up in heaven just for my dad!!!! My dad can run in heaven!!!! He can ride his bike in heaven!!! God has a spot for you too!!!! The only thing you have to do is accept him as your ONE AND ONLY SAVIOR!!!! We are ALL sinners!!! I am, you are, even your great aunts nephews cousins uncles grandpas sisters niece!!!!! EVERYBODY!!! Because of are sin we are supposed to go to HELL!!!! YES!!!! No lie!!!! That's why God sent his son down to earth to DIE FOR US!!!! He didn't HAVE to!!!! He loves us!!!! He MADE us!!!! He doesn't want his children to go to hell!!!!! I do NOT want to go to hell!!!! That's why I asked God to wash away my sins!!!! God sent his son Jesus to die on a cross!!!! OW!!!! But because of that we are free!!! That doesn't mean we ask God to forgive us, then continue doing bad!!! We try to be pure for the Lord!!! But we are human!!! Of course we do bad!!!! THAT is when we ask God to forgive us for our wrong doing!!! I have done bad in my life!!! I should go to hell!!!! But I am NOT because I asked the Lord to forgive me from my sins!!!! I am free!!!! No hell for me!!! I don't want all you readers to go to hell!!!! You have probably heard this a million times!!! Just because you are a good person doesn't mean that you won't go to hell!!!!! You can do more than a million good things in your lifetime BUT because you didn't accept Jesus, YOU WILL GO TO HELL!!!! That is pretty bad!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Go to your local church!!!! Or, just read and pray this prayer:

Dear Lord,
I know i am a sinner. I have done bad in my life. I deserve to die!! Please, wash away my sins. Set me free. You are the one true king. The one true God. I am sorry for all the bad I have done.

Truly mean it. Yes, it is as simple as that. Don't take the road to hell. It is not fun. Trust me. Thank you again for reading this. You have made me really happy. My dad says hi. I love you all!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Slowly Going...

Hey y'all!!!! Its me again!!!! I've been so busy with my dad. Hospice nurses come every day to check up on him. All my relatives are here to tell him goodbye. My mom got me a counsler that I have been talking to. She is very nice. Thank you to everybody that have called and asked if they could do anything. Thats very sweet. I am personally a little stressed from all the people at my house, but they are here for a purpose. I just go into my room and do something in there. My friends threw me a suprise party over the weekend. I thought that was very nice. We had a lot of fun!!! We watched movies and danced to crazy music and shoved cake in each others faces. I also am writing a book called Untitled. It should be finished soon. I can't wait!!! I have got to go and take care of my dad. See ya!!!!