It's been a while... What do you want me to write about?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Memorial Service

Hola again my friends!!!! Today was my dad's memorial service. I had fun!!!! A lot of my friends were there hugging me and supporting me. Thank you to you all!!!! I cried during the song There Will Be A Day by Jeremy Camp. That song always reminds me of my sweet dad. I love you all!!!

Yes I take after my dad's humor!!! Tee Hee

Yes I have a fart machine like my dad!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Journey Is Over

8:20 Thursday morning my dad passed. He is in heaven now. I wonder what he is experiencing right now. I wonder what friends he is playing with. He is in peace. Think about it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bye Dad I Love You...

Two things. One, my dad is not dead yet. Two, he is either going to die today, tomorrow, or the next. Yes fellow friends it is my dads time. He is in a coma right now. My family is pretty sad. We are picking out pictures for his memorial service that we will hold at my church. But don't feel bad. He is going to a wonderful place. I am really excited for him!!! He gets to go to heaven!!! Wow!!! Lucky ducky!!! Do any of you know how AMAZING heaven is?!?! Do you really? No you don't!!! It says in the bible that our minds can't even describe much less imagine how amazing heaven is!!! I don't even know how amazing heaven is!!! Wow that is amazing!!! I love dad of course but I will be so relieved when he dies!!! For 5, almost 6 YEARS he has gone through pain!!! Ouch!!! In heaven he will have rest. For 5 years my dad could hardly walk. For 5 years my dad had to miss coming to school events and other things to see my sisters and I win awards and preform with our instruments and such. For 5 years God has been helping us through, even before 5 years!!!! Did you know that God knew all about us before the world was even made? God is so indescribable!!! Gosh. You don't know how lucky I feel to be God's child. Wow.