It's been a while... What do you want me to write about?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Countdown....

Have you ever had a time when you want to pull your hair out?? I am sure you have...for me right now, I am having one of those moments!!!!! Right now I am overly stressed with the amount of people at my house!!!!! Ever since this morning, relatives and friends have been coming to my house to visit my dad. This morning I was ok. Then more, and MORE people came!!!! I love them all deeply and I know that they are coming because they care but right now, I feel like its not even my house anymore!!!!!! I have relatives that live more than 5 hours away that are coming and visiting my dad before he passes. I am so stressed!!!!!! Not only am I up to my ears with people, my dad is possibly going to pass in a couple of days!!!! He is getting weaker and weaker to where he can't even get up to go to the restroom!!!! So, my family is counting down to his death..not a fun thing!!!! We can just trust in the Lord and know that my dad is in his hands!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Right Way?

Hola! Bon jour! Aloha! Hi! This now is the season in the desert for COOLNESS!!!! Yes, my family is chilling out in this nice, refreshing weather, and getting sick along the way. Well, my older sister, mom, and myself are sick, my dad and younger sister are well, not sick. Just recently my dad was given the choice to use chemo to try to battle the 5-year long fight of his lovely brain tumor, or go into what they call hospice, where people come in and have the patient, my dad, have a relaxing, soothing, pain-free dad chose hospice. I don't blame him. I would choose hospice too! It seems more gentle other than to be miserable taking chemo which makes you want to curl up in a ball. My dad said that he wants to spend quality time with me before he kicks the bucket. I appreciate that. Plus, with all the pills gone, it has a major floodgate open for God's powers to work! My dad might not die as soon as I think!! You never know what can happen when God is in charge...Catcha later!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

From Bad To Worse

Greetings my fair people!!!!! Wasn't today a lovely day in the desert? Nice breeze, fresh air, and more bad news from Hannah!!!! Yay...NOT!!!!! Today was a day where my parents go to UCLA for my dad's check-ups, and the result, not good. My dad's brain tumor is growing, and he has to take a NEW pill to try to stop it. But its not ALL bad, if my dad does pass away, he is going to a great place where he can run around and use BOTH of his arms. Great for him, but sad for the rest of my family. Well, thank you Ms. Flare and Madi for signing!!!! I just love it when people comment!!!! Well, I love you folks and will give you further details later on!!!!!! Hasta Luego!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Good day to you fellow internet-connected people!!!!!! If you are reading this because of a email chain, thank you so much!!!!! Keep on forwarding!!! If you are reading this but did not recieve an email from a fellow friend, well, ok. Anyways I am here again with the latest post. Question of the day: Does Charlie the Unicorn from YouTube (Which I might add is one of the most funniest vidoes I've ever seen!!!) effect old men with brain tumors??? I will give you a few seconds to think....ok thinkings over. And the answer is: I don't know!!!!! BUT it does effect my dad!!!! He LOVES Charlie the Unicorn!! He keeps repeating lines from it and everything!!! Don't get me wrong, I think it is very funny!!! My fellow teacher asked today (Hi Mr.C!!) if my dad has forgotten anything important in his life time because of his brain tumor. I said "No, not yet..but Charlie the Unicorn will stay in his mind forever!!" You never know...the world is strange. Until next time!!!