It's been a while... What do you want me to write about?

Monday, October 6, 2008

From Bad To Worse

Greetings my fair people!!!!! Wasn't today a lovely day in the desert? Nice breeze, fresh air, and more bad news from Hannah!!!! Yay...NOT!!!!! Today was a day where my parents go to UCLA for my dad's check-ups, and the result, not good. My dad's brain tumor is growing, and he has to take a NEW pill to try to stop it. But its not ALL bad, if my dad does pass away, he is going to a great place where he can run around and use BOTH of his arms. Great for him, but sad for the rest of my family. Well, thank you Ms. Flare and Madi for signing!!!! I just love it when people comment!!!! Well, I love you folks and will give you further details later on!!!!!! Hasta Luego!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah,

I am so sorry to hear this news! I'm praying for your dad! You have the right attitude. You are precious!

Ms. Flaherty

Anonymous said...

Hey, Hannah! Just thinking about you and wanted to let you know that I am praying for your dad! You are a blessing to me!
Ms. Flare