It's been a while... What do you want me to write about?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bye Dad I Love You...

Two things. One, my dad is not dead yet. Two, he is either going to die today, tomorrow, or the next. Yes fellow friends it is my dads time. He is in a coma right now. My family is pretty sad. We are picking out pictures for his memorial service that we will hold at my church. But don't feel bad. He is going to a wonderful place. I am really excited for him!!! He gets to go to heaven!!! Wow!!! Lucky ducky!!! Do any of you know how AMAZING heaven is?!?! Do you really? No you don't!!! It says in the bible that our minds can't even describe much less imagine how amazing heaven is!!! I don't even know how amazing heaven is!!! Wow that is amazing!!! I love dad of course but I will be so relieved when he dies!!! For 5, almost 6 YEARS he has gone through pain!!! Ouch!!! In heaven he will have rest. For 5 years my dad could hardly walk. For 5 years my dad had to miss coming to school events and other things to see my sisters and I win awards and preform with our instruments and such. For 5 years God has been helping us through, even before 5 years!!!! Did you know that God knew all about us before the world was even made? God is so indescribable!!! Gosh. You don't know how lucky I feel to be God's child. Wow.


Anonymous said...

We love you Hannah! We are praying for your whole family!

~Sarah D.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to say right now. God loves you soooo much and so do I!!!! Keep hanging in there and trust in God!!!!!! I am praying for you. :)
Angela D.

Unknown said...

My dear sister Hannah,
MrJ here. All of us in the MrJ Band are so honored when you sing and dance with us. And now on this day we weep and celebrate all at the same time. This is homecoming day for your dad.
As soon as I got word from you of your dad's passing I sat alone with the Word and this is where today took me:
And this is what God tells us: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Whoever has the Son has life! 1 John 5:11-12
Father God, we thank you that You know Skip from head to toe and that he knows you!

Hannah, we celebrate your father's dancing day with Jesus and weep for you from all over the country. Consider this a hug from the entire band. Please pass it on to your siters and dear mom.
MrJ - Kurt Johnson

Anonymous said...

i love you hannah! hit the cell

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah
Jena here. I dont even know what to say. You said it all! I dont know you very well, but have left a few comments and I always check ur blog out. I read this the day your father past, and was in such shock that I forgot 2 leave a comment! I am so sorry! But i am also so happy (u know what i mean).You must b releaved, but still sad without ur daddy. Your amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep writing! I am praying for u and ur family!
With Love,