Wow....Grief was amazing!!!! I was changed so much! It was fun, it was sad, it was happy, it was just so life-changing! My cabin mates were so cool (hi Kisa, Tabby, Shianne, Laci, Jessica, Miss Susan, and Miss Carla!) and I had a lot of fun with them! We went canoeing (thanks to my bad steering I was tipped out of out it!) and swimming and exploring and we painted memory boxes and rocks and we made dream catchers (thank the Lord I have been having a lot of nightmares!) and we had an amazing ceremony were we put lit luminaries onto a boat at night and pushed it onto the lake. I was crying. It was lifechanging. Buuuut Grief Camp was a week ago so I have to catch you up on a whole bunch of things!
I'm getting my tonsils out in two weeks! My mom and I went to the Doctor last week and he said that my tonsils block 90% of my breathing airway. Ouch! So I'm so psyced to get them out so I can breathe right! Whohoo!!!
I've learned a lot about integrity recently. I never really understood what it meant until now.
Integrity is a skill. Integrity is challenging just as learning how to jump rope or ride your bike for the first time. It takes training. You have to work on it for a very long time. You can’t inherit it with a bubbly personality. It’s a point of reference. You have to look at it as a guideline to help you through life. Integrity should go through all of your thoughts and actions in life. It needs to be built on honesty and truth. It’s a tower. You build onto it your entire lifetime to make it better and stronger. And, if it falls down its ok to pick it up again. You can always look at tomorrow for a clean slate. It’s hard to master integrity and you have a whole lifetime to work on it. You will fail, but you can always look at tomorrow for a brighter day. Integrity is like a seed. You have to plant it, water it, nourish it, and let it grow. You have to maintain it or the plant will fail. It has to be a constant day to day hour to hour minute to minute growing. Love is a big part of integrity too. It’s a binder that keeps everything in place. It holds it together and keeps it new. Honesty is also a big part of integrity that goes along with trust. With integrity, people trust you, and you have to be honest with them. Lying is a way of ruining the “plant” or “wall” that you are trying to build with integrity. Lying is a nasty way to loose trust in someone that you love and a way to ruin a relationship. Once you have lost trust, it is very hard to earn back. Lastly, integrity will set you apart from other people. People will taunt you for your integrity. But you have to stay strong to it. Hold onto it. Build it. Let it grow. Work on it daily. Integrity is doing the right and honest thing, even when no one is looking.
Writing that, it changed my life. It's good to know what Integrity is. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me. Ta ta for now!
Oh and I will add the pictures from Grief Camp as soon as I get them!
I'm soooooo glad that grief camp was AMAZING for you! Keep on journaling, and sharing your thoughts with people, it really helps sort out feelings! ALWAYS remember that Jesus is there with you, and He wants to take those burdens from you! John 8:30 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
I loved what you wrote about integrity! It is soooo important to realize the significance of integrity! Never let what others say affect what you think about yourself! Look at what God says about you, and let that become how you see yourself, because God always sees the true you!
Love you lots!!!
Hey Hannah! It's me, Jena, the girl who use to go to your church a whileback when you were a litle girl...i have been reading your blog for a while time and have left several comments...I love to hear how you are doing and your writing is awesome! I am SLIGHTLY older than u (i'll be 14 in 6dyas!!)...anyways, i heard ur getting ur tonsils out! that is good AND sister is 17 and just recently got hers out! honestly, it was NO fun at ALLL....but youll b ok....just drink LOTS of water and liquids and eat jello and soup and pudding and ice cream...well u get the point...let me know how it goes...i got lots of advice if ur having trouble! :) the way, i am SO glad u liked grief camp! :)
ur in my prayers!!!!! ;)
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