It's been a while... What do you want me to write about?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day

Everybody celebrate! It's a day off of school and work! Time to spend time with your families! That's what I'm doing!

Did you know that my dad was in the army? I wear his dogtag every day. It was always fun to celebrate this day with him, it was like celebrating another birthday of his. It hurts my heart when I hear about childrens dads and moms that are in the war and how much they miss them. Dad was in and out of the army before I was born thank goodness, I'm glad that he didn't die in the army. I feel so blessed that I got to spend 12 years of my life with him. :)

So today is a day to hug all your family and friends that are veterans! Spend the day together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey this is Jena. I heard you have become a veggie! welcome to thwe group! lol I've been a vegetarian since i was like 6 and amvery happy. im not vegan (i coud not live without dairy!) and am not one of those crazy antimeat pple either who walk around scolding others wwho arentss vegetarians. I just simply choose not to eat meat, probably for many of the same reasons you do. I also just dont really like the texture of meat....not suure why...weird i know. but anyways, congrads on ur extended family and meat-free live. God bless you! keep up ur amazing writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~a fan who admires you greatly :D