It's been a while... What do you want me to write about?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wow...November already!

Happy Hallowee-oh wait. Boy does time go by fast! :)

Greetings everyone! I hope everybody is making the most out of their days! I got my report card today! Hooray! I had all A's except for one B (darn math :P) and I am very happy! I hope to make the most out of this year. Last year was a mess as you could tell if you have been following my blog. So I am very dandy!

We are settled into Mr. Mike's house (my mom's awesome husband and my new dad!!!) correction- OUR house- and we just need to moves some more big things over. We HAD someone to rent out our old house but they cancelled so we are praying for someone to rent it out. Whatever God plans....

The family is great! We are getting along quite well and we all enjoy each others company and spend lots of family time together (movie nights!). God has truly blessed me and I feel very special with a big happy family around me.

I have been trying to download pictures of the wedding onto the computer but sadly, I am PC challenged (go Macs!) and have been having much trouble doing it, but they will come! Don't worry! :)

Praise the King-Most-High!!!

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