It's been a while... What do you want me to write about?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Grief Camp

Heeeeey peeps! Hmm....grief camp...doesn't sound that pleasing...if you could pray for me about going to grief camp tomorrow that would help a lot. I'm really scared. I don't really know why but the thought of grief camp horrifies me. I'm strange. But my counsler said that Camp Erin is fun so I trust her...I just have my fingers crossed! I'll make sure to show you pictures and tell you if I had a good time!

Anywho, life has been kinda good. I have been having a lot of nightmares lately for some reason. They started when dad died but faded away after a while and now they are back again (probably because of grief camp) and I have been having a bed headache. I need prayer for that.

But on the plus side I have been at church a lot which rocks 'cus church is always a great deal of fun! I love church! Church is my life! I grew up there and now I can't stay away from it! I want to be a pastor when I grow up or maybe a worship leader! That would be AWESOME!!! *sigh* In the meantime, I'm still just a pre-teen (almost teenager!!) with big dreams. I really want to start up a drama group at our church. We had something similar to a drama group at our church but it fell apart after the pastor that was in charge of it left (I miss you Pastor Dan!) so if we could start it up again that would be amazing! That's something to pray about!

So to sum things up, life is okay. It's not bad, it's not amazing, just, good. Speaking of good, that little surprise I told you about last post has gotten much, much greater! I can't wait to tell you about it when the time comes!

Go to and click the link Camp Erin for more information about grief camp or look up Questions to find out more about grief. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My family and I are praying for you!! I learned something new...I might have been told before but I forgot! I didn't know that Pastor Dan was at your church!!! We haven't done much drama recently, just a Christmas show one year. I hope your summer will finish terrifically, and that you grow and find healing at grief camp. LOVE YOU!